"Does too little sleep make you quicker to anger? People are much more prone to get angry in annoying situations." - https://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2018/11/29
Me - If I am in an annoying situation, usually the right thing to do is remove myself from the annoying situation; but often times, self-removal is easier said than done. Then what?
So, yeah, one will be prone to anger because of being annoyed.
I think the anger is justified, and not based on sleep deprivation, but on non-productivity and possible delay.
Synonyms & Antonyms for productive
Definition of Productive
1. having the quality or power of producing especially in abundance (productive fishing waters).
2. effective in bringing about . . .
3. yielding results, benefits, or profits.
There is no such thing as everyone having similar sleep patterns or habits, nor is a same amount of sleep needed for everyone to lead a well-functional life. There is a difference between quantity of sleep and quality of sleep. I prefer quality over quantity. Quality sleep, for me, only lasts two to five hours. Occasional naps are taken, but a nap doesn't provide quality as much as it does refreshment.
Let's quit blaming ailments for life-in-general actions/reactions. If you put someone in an annoying situation, be prepared for others to get angry, not due to sleep deprivation but due to delay due to non-productivity.
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