For over 50 years I have watched the America's women's movement, since I was 13 years old. By the time I hit the work world, pay for females was getting better; one reason being was the number of women who were being recruited for traditionally male dominated jobs, like plumbing, welding, machinists, the military, etc. Fast forward to now - how far has the women's movement gotten women? Really? People such as Stormy Daniels is one of the reasons the so-called "male toxicity" will continue amongst men. It's called hormones; and females have their own set of hormones. They were given to us. Where have the "female" mentors been all my life? I do not recall any woman in my growing years that served as any type of mentor that I would want to emulate. (Twiggy, the English model, doesn't count. Besides, how well was this little Japanese/American girl going to emulate a white, English model?)
So, is Stormy Daniels and her careers be a woman you'd want your young daughter to aspire to be? If The People do not WANT women to be seen as Objects, then eliminate the entire problem - make Objectification against the law - rid us of all porn, exotic dancers, magazines, E-game characters, manga, revealing fashion, stiletto heels, Victoria Secrets, and the list could go on and on. Do you think Stormy Daniels' parents are proud of their child? Do you think her children will be proud of their mother?
What female would you not mind your daughters admire?
What female would you not mind your daughters admire?