I was never a stoner, but I knew plenty. I enjoyed those friends of mine; they were always amusing. I've always loved being amused. This is not to say that I had not indulged a time or ten; it's saying that I've sure been around long enough now to have had decades of deep thoughts about the subject of the wild wood weed.

On the one hand, I love to eat; in particular tasty foods. These people would end up with the munchies and they usually had some pretty good stuff to eat around the house. Or to conjure up a tasty new recipe made from whatever was in the refrigerator and the cabinets. As we got older, our new-found recipes became more complex and even more delicious; but that comes with the experience of age and wisdom. And even better food items in the pantry and cabinets than any 25-year old's. Fortunately for me, I was a small person who needed to consume as many calories a day as I could just so I wouldn't be dragged off by a good gust of wind. I ate well, thanks in part to my friends, thank you Jesus.
On the other hand, I liked making money to support my habits - eating well, having a roof over my head, and helping others when I could. I took on education, training, and jobs that did not allow drugs of any kind, and testing was the norm. You just could not do it, period. It even said so in the books. I didn't have a problem with that because having that goal and being on that mission of being career oriented with the intention of furthering myself in the work force to provide the best service possible (thus promotions, more money, more great food!), being of sound mind, of being mentally prepared 100% of the time, meant nothing but good results for me and my resulting families.
And speaking of Jesus - his Dad. Don't you want to be used by God? What are some of the reasons you're on this earth? I think one of my purposes is to give people a reason to laugh. Laughter is such great medicine and good for the body and soul. So, how can God use you as a witness to others if you have no self-control, no self-discipline, are setting a bad example to others, and are behaving like the present world by drinking or getting high? God's Word tell us that for us to be used by God, we must be sober and of sound mind. 100% on top of your A-game. We must be of sober mind to be able to act/react at any given moment to anything that is thrown at us; and there's always some strange things out there that is thrown.
Back to the stoners. Hey, they'll be stoners, but to me, if that's all they are and nothing more, come time when somebody has to be of clear mind to undo a situation or take action. there will be those present who can step in. This is by no means endorsing weed or trying to be an enabler; that is far from the truth. This is simple logic for now. There are those who do not and cannot see right now, but they are good, helpful people. These are but one group of my friends that I love. God and Jesus loves them too.