Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Deviated Septum . . .

MYSTERY SOLVED.  I think my allergies are no longer seasonal.  My nose stays so irritated, the nose hairs are assaulted, bombarded.

While bonking myself in the nose to replace the irritating assault with a nose pain, it dawned on me that I found the source of my deviated septum the doctor said I had for a long time.

People I've known who have deviated septums had them because they had been punched in the nose from a fight, so I had no explanation for the deviation.

As I sat in my little rocker, my self-inflicted bonk to the nose, I realized that as soon as I'd bonked, I felt the septum shift slightly.  Therefore, I've done it to myself.   Ding, ding, ding, ding!

I will now wear my Vogmask, the respiratory mask, much more often.  It does work very well at keeping particles and allergens out and I can breathe.

Check out www.vogmask.com for masks

Stormy Daniels and our need for female Mentors

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