Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Mid-Century Style

FURNITURE DESIGNS from the 1950s/60s are now called Mid-Century designs.  I heard this on an episode of "Let's Make A Deal".   I was born in 1955, which makes me a Mid-Century design.  I like that term, Mid-Century design.

I was lucky to have been born in 1955.  That year and more to follow would be a fast-moving collage of life being made and mastered.  If you think about it, the world as we know it, inhabited with people, is actually not that old.  Technology has progressed and renewed swiftly and continues to do so.  Positive proof of progress is the Hearing Aid.  I saw my first Hearing Aid in 1961 when we visited my grandparents for the first time in Memphis when I was six.  My grandfather wore around his neck and on his chest (over his shirt) a black box, bigger than your cell phone, that was a receiver with a tube that led to his ear.  When he spoke on the telephone, the ear-piece of the telephone was turned downward and over the black box.  The telephone was held upside down and the mouth-piece, the transmitter, was on top by his mouth.  Here it is, 2016, and Hearing Aids are so small now; or you can even get them in bright colors.

The Dental Experience has come a long way since the Mid-Century.  The Dentist Office with chair, the porcelain sink with water constantly swishing down the drain ("rinse and spit"), the giant, blinding, overhead light, the Dremmel tools on the silver tray in front of you, novacaine from big needles if it was available, the large films stuck in your mouth to take X-rays.  The sounds of the whirring as the Dremmel tool whined and screeched in your mouth.  Here it is, 2016, the Dental Experience has come a long way, baby.  Small needles for novocaine, small overhead light, Dremmel tools are out of sight for the most part, they offer Nitrous Oxide, and music plays.  I like nitrous to get the Dental Experience pleasant and relaxing.


Stormy Daniels and our need for female Mentors

For over 50 years I have watched the America's women's movement, since I was 13 years old.  By the time I hit the work world, pa...